5. Known problems and limitations

5.1. Netdata: displaying information in the GCenter V2.5.3.101 WebUI

Revamping and adding new information at the Netdata level renders the graphics and statistics displayed on the GCenter V2.5.3.101 WebUI inoperative.

The data can still be accessed via the Netdata API.

5.2. Modification of the MTU of a VPN interface and tunnel

Changing the MTU of a GCap interface results in the network configuration of all interfaces being re-applied.

This has the effect of losing connectivity between GCap and GCenter (IPsec VPN) for about 4 minutes.

5.3. Restore the backup on GCenter.

When restoring the backup on the GCenter, pairing with the GCaps must be performed again.

5.4. Error during first network configuration

During initial network configuration, an error appears.

There are 4 steps to fully validate the network configuration:

  • configure the hostname

  • configure the domain name

  • configure the ip address

  • Selection of management/VPN interfaces;

As long as the 4 parameters are not filled in, an error appears when validating the first 3 parameters.

5.5. Error and logout when entering an incorrect value for the date

When configuring the date and time of a GCap, if an incorrect value is entered then an error is displayed and the SSH connection is closed.