1. Release Note for GCENTER


If your GCENTER version is or above you must use the archive at the following path for an upgrade :

If your GCENTER version is you must use the archive at the following path for an upgrade :

If your GCENTER version is or below, you can not applied this upgrade.


Before doing the upgrqde you should have a look at the follozings intels :

You will find:

  • New features.

  • Patches.

  • Known issues.

1.1. Video update

  1. Download the v101 upgrade package here: https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/ You can also download the Sigflow/Malcore signatures here: https://update.gatewatcher.com/update/

  2. Once the download is over, upload the upgrade package in the menu GUM/Upgrade This operation can take several minutes and depends of your bandwidth

  3. Once the upload is done (showing the message “GUM operation is in progress”), please refresh your browser after a couple minutes

  4. Click on “Upgrade” to start the operation

  5. To finalise the upgrade process, connect in ssh/setup on the GCenter and restart the appliance. The reboot can take a dozen minutes.

  6. When the GCenter WebUI is avilable, log in and validate the version is v2.5.3.101

  7. To install the MalcoreV4 module, go to the menu GUM/Updates and upload package “latest_full_v3.gwp”