4. Patches

4.1. Sigflow: Issue with some statistics

Some statistics generated by Sigflow are not correct.

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.2. Autosetup: Issue when a wrong configuration is applied.

If a wrong configuration is applies via the autosetup feature, GCap will try to reload it at each boot.

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.3. Sending of eve-logs: A service could be unavailable in compatibility mode

In some cases, one of service which it sends eve-logs to GCenter could be not operational in compatibility mode

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.4. Codebreaker: Issue with source and destination IP adresses in an alert

There is an inversion with the source and destination IP adresses in a Codebreaker alert.

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.5. Sigflow: File reconstruction issue with SMTP protocol.

Randomly, file reconstruction is performed partially by Sigflow detection engine.

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.6. Configuration: Issue when GCap retrieves its configuration

In some cases, a timeout occurs when GCap tries to download its configuration

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.

4.7. Sending of eve-logs: Issue with a unreliable network connexion

When a network connexion between GCap and GCenter is unreliable, the transfert of eve-logs fails.

This issue is fixed in V2.5.3.107.