8. Updating procedure
8.1. Prerequisites
8.2. Retained data
The following data is retained:
the GCenter pairing
the network configuration
the SSH key of the root account
the password of the root account
the log files
the pcap files in the /data/pcaps/ directory
8.3. Data deleted
The following data will be deleted:
Local rules for Sigflow (local-rules)
Local XDP filtersplease postpone the configuration of these filters at GCenter level using the GCap Profiles > Packet filters) menu
8.4. Installation procedure via the GCenter
On GCenter:
From the platform https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/ (directory, download:
the gwp file of the new version available
the associated sha256 gwp.sha256 file
Check the image (sha256sum command) and check the value obtained with the contents of the gwp.sha256 file
Log on to the GCenter WebUI via a web browser and go to the Admin > Gum > Software Update menu.
In the Upload a software update section, click on Browse and select the . gwp (previously uploaded image) to make it available on GCenter.
Validate by clicking on the Choose button.
Validate the upload by clicking on the Submit button.
A progress bar is displayed
If you encounter a problem when making the image available, try another browser.
On GCap:
Open a terminal and log into SSH on GCap with the setup account.
Stop the monitoring-engine with the command monitoring-engine stop (GCAP-CLI).
If GCap is under load, please wait before performing upgrade.Check on the GCenter WebUI in Hunting > Metadata that there is no more data.If you have any questions about these items, please contact Gatewatcher Technical Support.
Use the command system upgrade list to get the package list from the GCenter (GCAP-CLI).
Use the command system upgrade apply [image_name] confirm (GCAP-CLI).
GCap must restart automatically.
SSH session is down
Once the GCap has restarted twice, log into SSH with the setup account to see if the update has been correctly applied.
Check the current version with the show status command (GCAP-CLI).
Start the monitoring-engine with the command monitoring-engine start (GCAP-CLI).
In case of problem, please contact Gatewatcher Technical Support.
8.5. Installation procedure directly from the GCap
Download the newly available version and the associated sha256 on the https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/ platform (directory
Check the image (sha256sum command) and check the value obtained with the contents of the gwp.sha256 file.
Copy the image (.gwp) to the /tmp/ directory of the GCap using a privileged account.
Open a terminal and log in via SSH on the GCap with the setup account.
Stop the monitoring engine with the monitoring-engine stop command (GCAP-CLI).
If GCap is under load, please wait before performing upgrade.Check on the GCenter WebUI in Hunting > metadata that there is no more data.If you have any questions about these items, please contact Gatewatcher Technical Support.Open a terminal and log in via SSH on the GCap with a privileged account.
Start the upgrade with the command gcap-upgrade /tmp/file_name (SHELL).
- Restart the GCap with the system restart command (GCAP-CLI)SSH session is down
Once the GCap has restarted twice, log in to SSH with the setup account to verify that the update was successfully applied.
Check the current version with the show status command (GCAP-CLI).
Start the monitoring engine with the monitoring-engine start command (GCAP-CLI).
If you have any problems, please contact Gatewatcher Technical Support.