7. Hotfix

7.2. Storage Media Migration Procedure

Hotfix 1 added an additional command in the configuration menu: `Elasticsearch storage mode`.
This command moves the ES indexes:
  • can be moved from HDD disks to SSD disks

  • can be moved from SSD disks to HDD disks

As part of the installation of the HF1, the ES indexes have been migrated to the best-performing GCenter storage (SSDs) which limits the volume available for storing this data.
If the size reserved for ES indexes has become too low, it is possible to transfer ES indexes to HDD disks (disk space will be larger but the access time will be longer).

To perform this transfer from SSD disks to HDD disks, perform the following procedures:

7.2.1. Verification procedure

  • Access the configuration menu in SSH with the setup account
  • Use the `Elasticsearch storage mode`
    In the `Elastic storage mode` window, the `Current storage type` line indicates the current configuration :
    • if the parameter is `slow`, it means that the ES indexes are already located on the HDD drives
    • if the parameter is `fast`, it means that the ES indexes are located on the SSD: perform the following procedures
  • In the `Elastic storage mode` window, the following information is displayed (the values given here are an example):

Current storage type: fast
Maximum size on fast storage for elasticsearch: 411G
Maximum size on slow storage for elasticsearch: 1.8T
Current space used by elasticsearch: 273G
  • In this example:

    • ES indexes are located on SSD disks

    • current size is 273G

    • Maximum size is 411G on SSD disks

    • Maximum size will be 1.8T on HDD disks if ES indexes are transferred

7.2.2. Transfer procedure

  • In the `Elastic storage mode` window, click the `Switch storage type` button.
    The following window gives information on:
    • Data preservation

    • The duration of the operation

    • Maximum size available on HDD disks

    • The chosen size of the space reserved for the ES indexes after the transfer: this value can be modified via the WEB UI

    • The current size of ES indexes

  • Click on the `Switch storage type and launch data migration` button.
    The following window gives information on:
    • Configuration preparation: when the parameter is `Done` then the transfer begins

    • Transfer progress: transferred value / total value

    • Reconfiguration of storage mode

  • Wait for the progress to display the same values and click on the `Refresh` button.
    The procedure is over.
    You go back to the initial window, but the line `Current storage type` is now `slow`.