8. V101 to V102 upgrade procedure

8.1. Prerequisites

To install the V2.5.3.102 update :
  • The GCenter must be running V2.5.3.101-HF3 or higher

  • The GCap will need to be version V2.5.3.105 or higher

  • If an LDAP configuration exists in v2.5.3.101, redo this configuration in v2.5.3.101 before migration to V2.5.3.102


    For an upgrade to V2.5.3.102, you must use the following package to avoid some issues: https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/

  • If you have any questions about these items, please contact Gatewatcher Technical Support.


    It is highly recommended to have an iDRAC type connection in order to be able to connect post-upgrade if a problem occurs during the process.


    Before proceeding with the update, it is strongly recommended to backup the GCenter configuration in the Administrators > Backup / Restore > Operations menu and save the file to an external server in a directory indicating the current GCenter version (example:

8.2. Retained data

The entire configuration of the GCenter is retained.
The data, both metadata and alerts, will have to be migrated beforehand with a specific hotfix. Please refer to the data retention installation procedure below.


Once migrated, the data will only be available through the Discover menu in the Kibana (Hunting) interface.

8.3. Installation procedure with data retention

  1. Make sure the GCap probes are in version V2.5.3.105 or higher, otherwise refer to the following update procedure: https://releases.gatewatcher.com/fr/gcap/2.5.3/105/8_upgrade_procedure.html
  2. Download the newly available version of GCenter and the associated sha256 on the https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/ platform (directory
  3. Check the image with the associated SHA256.
  4. Download the hotfix enabling the preparation of data before migration: https://update.gatewatcher.com/hotfix/ and the related sha256.
  5. Check the image with the associated SHA256.
  6. Connect to the GCenter WebUI and go to the menu Administrators > GUM > Hotfix.
  7. In the Uploading a new hotfix package section, click on the Choose a file button, select the previously uploaded hotfix then click on Send hotfix.
  8. Again in the GCenter WebUI, go to the Administrators > GUM > Upgrade menu.
  9. In the Upload an upgrade section, click on the Choose a file button, select the new GCenter version previously uploaded and click Submit.
  10. Connect to the GCap with the SSH account setup.
  11. Shut down the monitoring engine with the following command: monitoring-engine stop.
  12. Change the compatibility mode using the following command: set compatibility-mode
  13. Start the monitoring engine with the following command: monitoring-engine start.
  14. Return to the GCenter WebUI, in the menu Administrators > GUM > Hotfix.
  15. In the Saved package list section, at the location of the previously sent hotfix click on the Apply button.
  16. Once activated, connect to the GCenter via SSH with the setup account.
  17. Go to the new menu available data persistence.
  18. In the Warning data preparation menu carefully read the warning and then click on Continue (reversible) to continue.
    The next menu provides the option of deleting the oldest data (indexes) to speed up the migration process so that the migrated data can be stored in the new architecture.


    There may be some data present that is older than the configured retention time.
    This data will be automatically deleted once the V2.5.3.102 upgrade is completed.
    Therefore, it is important to manually delete this data at this stage.
    To check the configured retention time, log into the GCenter WebUI then go to the Administrators > GCenter > Configuration > Global settings menu.
    The configuration is located in the entry “Data retention (in days):”


    The architectural changes in V2.5.3.102 imply a limitation in the amount of data retained extending to 95% of the partition.
    The backup partition is no longer used for storing data related to Elastic Search.
    This behavior can be changed in the next hotfix.
  19. To delete indexes, select those that should not be retained and click on Delete selected indices(irreversible).
  20. Once this is done, click on Continue (reversible).
  21. The following menu displays the various phases of the migration and their status, click on Continue (reversible).
  22. The last window enables launching the migration that will then be irreversible, click on Launch data preparation (irreversible).


    The migration time will depend on the material and the volume of data to be migrated. On average, it will take 1 hour for 100GB.
  23. The following menu displays the various phases of the migration and their status, click on Refresh to see the progress of the operation.
    When the operation is complete, if all the steps are green true, it means the migration was successful, if not, please contact Gatewatcher technical support.
  24. Exit the setup menu, connect to the GCenter WebUI, then go to the Administrators > GUM > Upgrade menu.
  25. In the Saved package list section, under the previously sent update, click on the Apply button.
  26. Once the operation is complete, restart the GCenter by connecting via SSH with the setup account and then going to the Restart menu.
  27. Once the GCenter is restarted, connect to the WebUI and check whether new events appear in the Hunting section (Kibana interface).

8.4. Installation procedure without data retention

  1. Make sure the GCap probes are in version V2.5.3.105 or higher, otherwise refer to the following update procedure: https://releases.gatewatcher.com/fr/gcap/2.5.3/105/8_upgrade_procedure.html
  2. Download the newly available version of GCenter and the associated sha256 on the https://update.gatewatcher.com/upgrade/ platform (directory
  3. Check the image with the associated sha256.
  4. Connect to the GCap with the SSH account setup.
  5. Shut down the monitoring engine with the following command: monitoring-engine stop.
  6. Change the compatibility mode using the following command: set compatibility-mode
  7. Start the monitoring engine with the following command: monitoring-engine start.
  8. Connect to the GCenter WebUI and go to the menu Administrators > GUM > Upgrade.
  9. In the Upload an upgrade section, click on the choose a file button, select the new GCenter version previously uploaded and click on the Submit button.
  10. In the Saved package list section, under the previously sent update, click on Apply.
  11. Once the operation is complete, restart the GCenter by connecting via SSH with the setup account and then going to the Restart menu.
  12. Once the GCenter is restarted, connect to the WebUI and check whether new events appear in the Hunting section (Kibana interface).